Warning about fake news sites
Related to my earlier post applauding the Hobby Lobby decision, I stumbled on something I knew a little about but had not paid much attention to: the issue of fake news sites. This New Republic article describes them and lists several. The Onion is the best known, but this article describes one called The Daily Currant that posts what appear to be real news articles that are totally fake and have no obvious humorous tip-off for the reader. They claim to be creating comedic art and say that if anyone is gullible enough to believe what they publish, why that is the reader's problem, not theirs.
Some at least of these sites seem to delight in publishing fake articles designed to get a rise out of conservatives and Christians, whom they regard as especially gullible and unintelligent. One recent example was a fake article on a site called the National Report (no obvious humor in that name) that stated that President Obama planned to visit a mosque on July 4.
I regard this kind of behavior as despicable. It is cruel to use outright lies to goad people into looking silly. Fellow conservatives, don't let the leftists win at this game. It's sad to have to say this, but we need to be more suspicious about what we read, especially on the internet. Check Snopes, though items may take a while to get there. Google is your friend. Startpage may be an even better friend. If a story seems too weird to be true, it may well be. Check things out before you repeat them as fact. Let's make the left look foolish by not falling for their tricks.
Some at least of these sites seem to delight in publishing fake articles designed to get a rise out of conservatives and Christians, whom they regard as especially gullible and unintelligent. One recent example was a fake article on a site called the National Report (no obvious humor in that name) that stated that President Obama planned to visit a mosque on July 4.
I regard this kind of behavior as despicable. It is cruel to use outright lies to goad people into looking silly. Fellow conservatives, don't let the leftists win at this game. It's sad to have to say this, but we need to be more suspicious about what we read, especially on the internet. Check Snopes, though items may take a while to get there. Google is your friend. Startpage may be an even better friend. If a story seems too weird to be true, it may well be. Check things out before you repeat them as fact. Let's make the left look foolish by not falling for their tricks.
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