Sunday, February 08, 2009

Goodbye, Orange

Some vile dogs in our neighborhood have killed several of our cats recently. This morning they got Orange, our oldest and favorite cat.

Orange was just what his name says: dark orange. He was a neutered male who showed up a year or so after I bought this house, sometime around 1995. As with most of our cats, he just wandered up and we took care of him. I don't know how old he was, but I'm guessing one or two years old at the time. So that would make him about 15 or 16 now. He was a beautiful cat with flowing tabby markings.

Orange was a good cat. He was laid back and personable and would let anyone pet him. He stayed in most of the time but would go in and out at will. He loved to get in our laps and sleep.

Goodbye, Orange. We're going to miss you. I hope to see you again when the earth is renewed.



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