Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Letter the President

No, this is not talking about writing letters to the president, though I am thankful that we live in a country where we can.

We have all seen on cars the small square stickers that say "W the President" and "W Still the President." Today I saw one that said "F the President." Responsibility was taken (and I put it that way deliberately) by the group behind the URL

Now come on. I am not the biggest fan of Bush, though I generally approve of his activities. I think we are a lot better off than we would be had Kerry won. But do we have to descend even below the level of Barry Commoner (the BS word) in our political dialog?

Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves. The Bush-haters are portraying themselves as crude and vile. I thank them for saving me the trouble. And yet, they want to persuade us to support their ideas and candidates.

Well, they need to take a Dale Carnegie course. I looked at their web site. Typical. Among other items, it advertises a sweat shirt sporting a magazine cover that says, "How can 59,054,087 people be so dumb?" There you have it. That is what they think of the rest of us.

Well, those of you who think the rest of us are so dumb, let me point out a little something to you. You have committed an ad hominem fallacy. (Go look it up if you don't know what it means.) You are attacking the person making the argument rather than trying to refute the argument itself. That is, as Mr. Spock would say, highly illogical.

Just imagine what they would be saying had things gone their way: "Yes! 59,054,087 people finally wised up and got it right!" Or maybe, just maybe, they would be saying, "Hey, we won, so the rest of you stop griping." But no, that would be intolerant, and by their definition, only conservatives can be intolerant.

So keep smearing it around, leftists. Let everyone see your true colors.


I guess I am too trusting. I should have looked more closely at the description of the sticker on the money-making leftist web site before writing this post. There, the description of this sticker says that since F is John Kerry's middle initial, all that they are doing is claiming that he should be president, and that anyone who is offended by it just has a dirty mind.

OK, leftists, have your laugh on me. Go ahead, since I have plenty of laughs on you. Feel better? Good.

Now let's be realistic. Everybody knows that W is President Bush's middle initial. I bet that relatively few know that F is John Kerry's middle initial. The people who put the sticker out certainly know this. So it is obvious that this is a double entendre, with obscene overtones. Predictable. They get to laugh at any conservative who "doesn't get it." They probably don't laugh at any liberal that doesn't get it, because they would agree with what that person thinks it means.

Sorry, guys. Don't expect me to take the bait twice. This isn't just a cute, innocent statement, despite your protests. You don't get off that easily.


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