Sunday, May 15, 2005

Introductory post: So here I am

Yo soy un hombre sincero
De donde crece la palma,
Y antes de morirme quiero
Echar mis versos del alma.

This verse from José Martí expresses why I started this web log. I have some things that I want to say before I leave this world. I feel that God has given me abilities to think and to put my thoughts in language. A web log puts thoughts out where others can see them, think about them, and possibly benefit from them. If what I say is enlightening or beneficial to anyone, I am grateful and pleased. I have never done a web log before, so it will be interesting (at least to me!) how this develops. I get the feeling that other people can post responses to my posts, kind of like a newsgroup, so we may even get some conversations going.

First, here is a bit about me. That is what you would expect in an introductory post, right? I am 52 years old, a computer programmer at FedEx in Memphis, Tennessee. I also teach programming course part time at the University of Memphis. I currently use and teach the Java programming language most. In the past, I have worked in several other languages, of which my favorite is Scheme.

I am a Christian, a believer in Jesus Christ. He is my Lord and the meaning of my life. I serve him in various ways, primarily through teaching and music. I am the music director, a Sunday School teacher, and a deacon of McLean Baptist Church in Memphis.

I'll probably say more about myself as I go along, but I'm anxious to begin posting on various topics on which I have thoughts. My thoughts will certainly not be politically correct, but that does not concern me. It is not my purpose to intentionally offend anyone.

Here are some of the topics that interest me, and that I shall probably post thoughts on as I go. This list cannot be exhaustive, since I shall undoubtedly think of other topics and unrelated ramblings over time. I do not claim to be an expert in any of these topics, just someone who is interested and perhaps has some thoughts that others may find interesting.

Religion and biblical studies
Tolkien, Lewis, and the Inklings
Various of my experiences
All things Celtic
Historical ramblings
The Star Wars saga
And who knows what else

So here begin my thoughts. Enjoy.

John Simmons


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